Thursday, September 19, 2024


Home Bella

My Friend Susan

I had a conversation recently with a friend of mine who is also in the sugar lifestyle. We are both living the life and sometimes just need to vent. I thought it would be interesting to share some of our conversations. I might have embellished the quotes some, but they are the gist of the meaning.

Ask Bella: Genuinely Curious

From reddit: Hi there, I’m genuinely curious if any fellow sb’s are being asked to host or being asked by sd’s to be invited over their house? I live alone and I have never had an sd at my house or been asked to until recently. And I’ve never really hosted either. I’ve always met in a neutral location. I can’t be the only one? Or maybe I am? I’ve also had very little success since I’ve been saying no. Idk. Just thought I’d ask.

[Genuinely curious]

Dear Genuinely Curious,

Ah, the age-old dilemma of sugar babies everywhere – to host or not to host? It’s a question as old as time itself, like “What came first, the sugar or the daddy?” But fear not, my dear, for you are certainly not alone in grappling with this conundrum.

While the idea of inviting a sugar daddy over to your humble abode may seem tempting – after all, who doesn’t love the convenience of home-field advantage? – it’s essential to proceed with caution. Opening your door to a virtual stranger, no matter how charming or affluent, comes with its fair share of risks. From potential safety concerns to the dreaded possibility of overstaying their welcome (we’ve all been there, darling), hosting a sugar daddy at your home requires careful consideration.

But fear not, my dear, for you are the mistress of your domain, the queen of your castle! If the thought of inviting a sugar daddy into your sacred space sends shivers down your spine, then by all means, stand your ground and maintain your boundaries. Remember, safety and comfort should always be your top priorities in the wild and wonderful world of sugar dating.

As for your lack of success since saying no to hosting, fear not, my dear – Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful sugar relationship. Trust your instincts, stay true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to march to the beat of your own drum. After all, the right sugar daddy will respect your boundaries and cherish your independence like the precious gem you are.

In conclusion, my dear friend, remember that your home is your sanctuary, your fortress of solitude. Don’t let anyone – sugar daddy or otherwise – intrude upon your sacred space without your explicit consent. With a dash of wit, a sprinkle of humor, and a healthy dose of self-confidence, you’ll navigate the murky waters of sugar dating like a seasoned pro.

Wishing you safety, success, and plenty of sugar-coated adventures,


Ask Bella: Seeking Guidance in the Sugar Bowl

From Reddit: Is 25 too young for SB?

Hello, after looking at this forum it seemed like a lot of SD prefer older woman. As a person who lead multiple college clubs and personal events for friends, I consider myself a mature, composed person. After reading through this forum it seemed being in 20s has become more of a red flag to avoid. Will my age be the obstruction?

To add on, I can’t really seem to find sites that is not a scam. As a female I felt heavily depressed after getting scammed out of my pictures with nudity. I would really appreciate if someone could advise and lead me in this community!

[Seeking Guidance in the Sugar Bowl]

Dear Seeking Guidance in the Sugar Bowl,

Firstly, let me assure you that age is just a number when it comes to sugar dating. While some sugar daddies may prefer older women, there are plenty out there who appreciate the youthful energy and enthusiasm that a 25-year-old sugar baby brings to the table. Your maturity and composure, honed through your leadership roles in college clubs and personal events, are valuable assets that will undoubtedly appeal to discerning sugar daddies.

Now, onto the topic of scams – ah, the bane of every sugar baby’s existence. It’s a jungle out there, my dear, and unfortunately, some less-than-scrupulous individuals are lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on unsuspecting sugar babies like a hungry lion on a gazelle. But fear not! Armed with wit, wisdom, and a healthy dose of skepticism, you can navigate the treacherous waters of sugar dating with confidence.

When it comes to finding legitimate sugar dating sites, it’s essential to do your research and approach with caution. Look for reputable platforms with robust security measures in place to protect your privacy and prevent scams. And remember, if a site seems too good to be true or a perspective sugar daddy asks for compromising photos upfront, run for the hills faster than you can say “sugar daddy.”

In conclusion, my dear friend, age may be a factor in sugar dating, but it certainly shouldn’t be a deterrent. Embrace your youth, exude confidence, and approach each encounter with a sense of adventure and humor. With the right mindset and a bit of savvy, you’ll soon find yourself thriving in the vibrant and exciting world of sugar dating.

Wishing you all the best in your sugar adventures,


The Expectations Talk in Sugar Dating: A First-Person Perspective

Ah, the dreaded expectations talk in sugar dating – the conversation that can make or break a budding arrangement faster than you can say “sugar daddy.” As a seasoned sugar baby, I’ve had my fair share of these heart-to-heart discussions, and let me tell you, they’re more nerve-wracking than a job interview with Donald Trump.

Alex, baseball and more

As I sat beside Drew, a 27-year-old with a physique that could make even the baseball players jealous, at the stadium, the energy of the game pulsed through the air. It was our third date, and I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as he leaned in to explain the intricacies of the game, despite my protestations that I knew the basics already.

Joe pool games and conversation

As I walked into the lively pool hall, the sound of balls clacking and laughter filled the air, setting the stage for what promised to be an entertaining date with Joe, a middle-aged construction worker known for his easygoing nature and boundless knowledge about, well, everything. Dressed in my casual best, I prepared for an evening of cue sticks and witty banter.

Simon the poet

Embarking on a blind date with Simon, an endless romantic with a penchant for poetry and candlelit dinners, felt like stepping into a world of sweet gestures and whispered sonnets. The anticipation was palpable as I entered the charming French bistro, adorned with flickering candles and the soft strains of a violin in the background.

Ask Bella: Curious Sugar Daddy

From reddit: Question for SBs – how much of it is acting? I’m curious how much SBs have to suppress their personality to try and be the perfect “girlfriend” when they’re on a date. One reason I like SR over other options is that I feel like we can be honest and have a real, emotional connection. I still have that fear in the back of my mind that it’s not genuine, that my SB doesn’t really like me. I get that she wouldn’t be on a date with me without the monetary aspect, but I would hope that she’s not putting on too much of an act. I’m curious what others think.

[Curious Sugar Daddy]

Dear Curious Sugar Daddy,

Ah, the eternal conundrum of authenticity versus performance in the sugar dating world – it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack or deciphering the plot of a soap opera. But fear not, my dear friend, for Bella is here to offer some sage advice with a side of wit and humor.

Now, when it comes to the fine art of sugar dating, it’s understandable that you may have concerns about whether your sugar baby’s affection is genuine or merely a well-rehearsed performance worthy of an Oscar nomination. After all, we’ve all seen our fair share of sugar babies who could give Meryl Streep a run for her money with their acting skills!

But fear not, my dear friend, for not all sugar babies are Oscar-worthy actresses – some of us are just fabulous queens looking for a good time and a generous sugar daddy to spoil us rotten. While it’s true that the monetary aspect of sugar dating plays a significant role in our interactions, that doesn’t mean we’re all putting on a Shakespearean performance every time we’re on a date.

In fact, many sugar babies value honesty and authenticity just as much as you do, my dear friend. We’re not looking to win an Academy Award for Best Actress – we’re looking for genuine connections and meaningful relationships, whether they come with a hefty allowance or not.

So, my dear sugar daddy, the next time you find yourself wondering whether your sugar baby’s affection is genuine, just remember – it’s not about the performance, it’s about the connection. And if you’re lucky, you may just find yourself starring in the greatest love story of all time.

Wishing you all the best in your sugar adventures,


James: the odd character

As I sat at the dimly lit bar, eagerly awaiting my blind date, James, I couldn’t help but wonder if I had unwittingly entered the Twilight Zone of dating. The ambiance screamed “James’ kind of place” – a neon glow, retro arcade machines, and a questionable choice of techno music that seemed more fitting for a sci-fi movie. My optimism wavered as the door opened, and in walked James.

Unwrapping the Surprises of Sugar Dating: A First-Person Perspective

As a woman dipping her toes into the tantalizing world of sugar dating, I’ve encountered my fair share of surprises – both delightful and disconcerting. From financial entanglements to unexpected bouts of intimacy, navigating the sugar bowl is like embarking on a rollercoaster ride with no clear destination in sight.