Home Bella Ask Bella: Inquisitive Sugar Daddy

Ask Bella: Inquisitive Sugar Daddy


From reddit: SBs, what attracts you to your SD? Most of us guys are wired to be attracted to someone visually, although personality and character plan a big role too. And we SDs know we are not necessarily the best physical speciments out there. So what makes a woman attracted to their SDs? Is it a) physical attracttion b) kindness/consideration c) money/power/authority or d) something else? Obviously, I know some SBs are not attracted to their partners but “tolerate” them for the benefits.

[Inquisitive Sugar Daddy]

Dear Inquisitive Sugar Daddy,

Ah, the age-old question of what attracts us to our dear sugar daddies – it’s like trying to decipher the mysteries of the universe or figuring out why men can’t seem to put the toilet seat down. But fear not, my dear friends, for Bella is here to shed some light on this perplexing conundrum with a sprinkle of wit and humor.

Now, when it comes to the irresistible allure of our sugar daddies, it’s not just about looks – though a charming smile and a twinkle in the eye certainly don’t hurt! No, no, no, we sugar babies are a discerning bunch, drawn to qualities that go beyond mere physical appearance. Kindness, consideration, and a generous spirit are like catnip to us, my darlings – who can resist the allure of a sugar daddy who treats us like queens and showers us with affection?

Of course, let’s not forget the undeniable appeal of money, power, and authority – after all, who doesn’t love a sugar daddy who can wine, dine, and spoil us rotten? But let me make one thing clear, my dear friends – we sugar babies are not mere gold diggers, oh no! We value substance over superficiality, and a sugar daddy’s wealth is just the icing on the cake.

But perhaps the most important factor in our attraction to our sugar daddies is something that can’t be quantified or measured – chemistry. Yes, my dear friends, that elusive spark that ignites between two souls, lighting up the night like a fireworks display on the Fourth of July. It’s that intangible connection that draws us to our sugar daddies like moths to a flame, leaving us powerless to resist their irresistible charm.

So, my dear sugar babies, the next time someone asks you what attracts you to your sugar daddy, just smile knowingly and say, “Oh, it’s a little bit of everything – but mostly, it’s the way he makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.”

Wishing you all the best in your sugar adventures,
