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Ask Bella: Concerned Sugar Baby


I’ll start by saying I’m not in the bowl, but I have several friends who are SBs.

I’ve been asked to post on a friend’s behalf, she and many of the other SBs I know are scared to post themselves, as they’ve already been burnt by our local sugar subreddit (I.e publicly accused of being a timewaster if they don’t respond within a couple hours, publicly accused of being fake after rejecting a SD, and a shitton of harassment because of these public accusations).

Anyhow, moving on to the situation at hand.

“About a month and a half ago, I started seeing this SD. We aren’t exclusive.

He started telling me how he can only realistically afford one sb long term, he was cutting back, and I will be his only sb in a months time. He kept telling me over and over that he was going to stop all other sugar relationships he has.

I don’t care if he’s seeing other people. I care if he can afford it.

It’s been a month since he said he started cutting back. Instead, he’s been actively trying to find new SBs. He appears to be collecting SBs while not having the money to do so.

I also recently found out he was pitting us SBs against each other. I was the front runner because I have the lowest ppm, and he didn’t do it to me. But I was sent photos of his conversations with other SBs, and he’s using my low ppm to try to convince other SBs to lower theirs. He compares them to me and tries to get them to compete against me.

He doesn’t have a leg to stand on in regards to the SBs sending screenshots of their conversations without his consent either – he shared screenshots of my conversations with him to these women without my consent.

I had a fantastic night with him, but the above is concerning. I really like him but…

What would you do? What do you think?”

[Concerned Sugar Baby]

Dear Concerned Sugar Baby,

Ah, the joys of sugar dating – where drama and intrigue abound like a soap opera on steroids! It sounds like you’ve found yourself in quite the pickle with your SD, my dear, but fear not, for Bella is here to offer some sage advice with a side of wit and humor.

Firstly, let me say that your concerns are entirely valid, my dear. It seems your SD is playing a dangerous game of sugar chess, pitting his sugar babies against each other like contestants on “The Bachelor.” And using your low ppm as a bargaining chip? Oh, the audacity! It’s like trying to negotiate the price of a vintage Chanel bag at a flea market – utterly unacceptable!

Now, onto the burning question – what would I do in your shoes? Well, my dear, it’s time to channel your inner Beyoncé and say, “Boy, bye!” This SD may have swept you off your feet with a fantastic night or two, but playing games with your heart (and your wallet) is a surefire way to earn a one-way ticket to the curb.

Remember, my dear, you are worth far more than being treated like a pawn in a sugar daddy’s twisted game of manipulation. Cut ties with this SD, dust off your fabulous heels, and strut back onto the sugar dating scene with your head held high. The right sugar daddy will treat you like the queen you are, without resorting to underhanded tactics or shady dealings.

In conclusion, my dear friend, don’t settle for anything less than sugar-coated perfection. Life’s too short for drama and games – so kick that toxic SD to the curb and make room for someone who truly deserves your time, attention, and fabulousness.

Wishing you all the best in your sugar dating adventures,
