Home Bella Ask Bella: Genuinely Curious

Ask Bella: Genuinely Curious


From reddit: Hi there, I’m genuinely curious if any fellow sb’s are being asked to host or being asked by sd’s to be invited over their house? I live alone and I have never had an sd at my house or been asked to until recently. And I’ve never really hosted either. I’ve always met in a neutral location. I can’t be the only one? Or maybe I am? I’ve also had very little success since I’ve been saying no. Idk. Just thought I’d ask.

[Genuinely curious]

Dear Genuinely Curious,

Ah, the age-old dilemma of sugar babies everywhere – to host or not to host? It’s a question as old as time itself, like “What came first, the sugar or the daddy?” But fear not, my dear, for you are certainly not alone in grappling with this conundrum.

While the idea of inviting a sugar daddy over to your humble abode may seem tempting – after all, who doesn’t love the convenience of home-field advantage? – it’s essential to proceed with caution. Opening your door to a virtual stranger, no matter how charming or affluent, comes with its fair share of risks. From potential safety concerns to the dreaded possibility of overstaying their welcome (we’ve all been there, darling), hosting a sugar daddy at your home requires careful consideration.

But fear not, my dear, for you are the mistress of your domain, the queen of your castle! If the thought of inviting a sugar daddy into your sacred space sends shivers down your spine, then by all means, stand your ground and maintain your boundaries. Remember, safety and comfort should always be your top priorities in the wild and wonderful world of sugar dating.

As for your lack of success since saying no to hosting, fear not, my dear – Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful sugar relationship. Trust your instincts, stay true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to march to the beat of your own drum. After all, the right sugar daddy will respect your boundaries and cherish your independence like the precious gem you are.

In conclusion, my dear friend, remember that your home is your sanctuary, your fortress of solitude. Don’t let anyone – sugar daddy or otherwise – intrude upon your sacred space without your explicit consent. With a dash of wit, a sprinkle of humor, and a healthy dose of self-confidence, you’ll navigate the murky waters of sugar dating like a seasoned pro.

Wishing you safety, success, and plenty of sugar-coated adventures,
